Dentures are suitable replacements for lost teeth. However, the onus for taking care of them is on the wearer, as John Sharman of the Sutton Guardian in Britain reports:

“A man who left his false teeth at an AFC Wimbledon match has thanked fellow fans for helping to find his gnashers.

George, who asked us not to print his surname to avoid teasing, said the dentures must have slipped out of his pocket before kick-off at Saturday’s game against Exeter.

He denied internet speculation the false teeth had fallen out while he was eating a pre-match pie and said he did not wear them often, despite complaints from his girlfriend.”

The danger of losing dentures anywhere may weigh heavily on residents of the great state of Utah. Many experts agree that losing them may lead to serious issues, such as sagging facial muscles and declining self-confidence. If you’ve been recommended to wear dentures as a solution to pre-existing oral problems, a reputable Saratoga Springs dentist, including such medical professionals at Alpenglow Dental, can guide you through the process and after-care.


A Saratoga Springs Dentist Guiding You to Take Care of Your Dentures 

When not in use, your dentures should be stored in a secure but discreet location. However, do not use stopgap measures, such as wrapping them in a table napkin, to prevent losing them by accident. You can take a cue from Mr. George by acquiring a special dentures container, which any dental office can provide you.

Dentures are not meant to be worn around the clock. As such, you will have to take them off before going to sleep and store them in a container or glass filled with cleaning solution. You can also use a soft toothbrush and the solution to scrub it clean of dirt before storage.

A dentist from Saratoga Springs such as Alpenglow Dental’s Stuart Lindsay, DDS, is capable of installing implants to secure the dentures to your gums. Consult your practitioner on the special precautions needed, such as when your dentures have metal linkages

Not every person with dentures is as fortunate as Mr. George. Dentures help preserve your oral health, but the challenge and responsibility are on you to maintain and keep them in good shape.

(Article Information and Image from Owner of missing false teeth thanks Wimbledon fans for finding his dentures, Sutton Guardian)