What Is a Root Canal?
A root canal treatment is resorted when the infection or damage has reached to point where the affected tooth is already decayed. In an effort to save the tooth, this procedure is done by removing the damaged parts and sealing the pulp cavity. The pulp is a very delicate and soft center of our tooth. It contains sensitive nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. Thus, it needs to be sealed to prevent germs and bacteria from entering it and cause infection. Furthermore, a root canal treatment is also resorted to treat abscessed or infected tooth and relieve tooth pain and promote healing.
Also known as endodontic treatment, root canal treatment is commonly resorted to alleviate tooth pain. The pain ranges from sensitivity to heat or cold to spontaneous stinging sensation. In some cases, the pain will progress to severe headaches.
Pain is usually felt when pressure is placed on the affected tooth, such as when eating or chewing food. While an abscessed tooth may not be characterized with bleeding, there may be noticeable swelling in the jaw or cheek area. When this happens, urgent dental care is necessary.
Gum recession, sinus congestion, jaw pain, or gum disease are also common signs of oral problems that require root canal treatment. Since these conditions are also indicative of other dental problems, it is important to get an expert opinion regarding these symptoms to rule out other suspicions or uncertainties. When you need exceptional dental care for you and your family, call on the friendly dental specialists at Alpenglow Dental. Discuss your oral health concerns with them. You can reach them at (801) 878-1700 to schedule an appointment.
Tooth Abscess
When the tooth has abscess or is severely damaged due to decay or infection, the most common recourse is a root canal treatment. Tooth abscess is characterized with the accumulation of pus in the infected area surrounding the dead nerve tissues. In some cases, there will be bumps that look similar to pimples. The draining pus from these pimple-like bumps can leave a bad taste in the mouth.
If left untreated, the abscess will penetrate into the bone beneath the root of the affected tooth. There have been documented cases where patients have died as a result of an untreated tooth abscess. While antibiotics can prevent the spread of bacteria, root canal treatment is the only effective way to get rid of the infection and clean out the dead tissues.
Tooth Crown
To protect the pulp from bacteria and prevent infection, it has to be sealed. For this reason, a tooth crown is placed over the affected tooth, which acts as a cap that will cover its sensitive area and restore its shape and strength. This dental appliance is cemented over the tooth and cover its entire visible portion that lies above the gums.
A tooth crown may be needed to protect a weak tooth or to hold together a cracked tooth. It can also be used to hold a dental bridge in place or support a severely worn down tooth. As a cosmetic dental option, tooth crowns can cover the discoloration or a dental implant.
Would you like to learn more about your dental options? Speak with the dental specialists at Alpenglow Dental. For your questions or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (801) 878-1700 today.