House shopping in Saratoga Springs has been quite the adventure. On our first-time out to go house hunting, we went to see a house right on Utah Lake. It was gorgeous!  The house was well kept, beautiful, it had a large yard that opened up to a park in the back and it was pretty much perfect for us. Everything except the kitchen and dining room. The kitchen was tiny and the dining room did not have much room for a table. I was so excited to see this house and when we got there I was so disappointed. I thought for sure this house was the one. The location ended up not being the best as well since it was at the far end of the lake and traffic can be bad coming from the north. Our Realtor also mentioned the bugs and mosquitos are pretty bad by the lake.  Once he told me that information I wasn’t as upset to find out someone put an offer on the house already. At this point they were only taking backup offers. If things are meant to be they usually work out so I was not too upset. Something is bound to work out for us.

After looking at a few more houses and being disappointed several more times we decided to go eat at the panda express out there which was exactly what we needed to lift our spirits. After dinner, we stopped by the Rocky mountain chocolate factory for some chocolate dessert treats. We got gas at the local gas station and I went in to use the bathroom. I approached an older couple and ever so politely asked the couple in the store if they were from Saratoga Springs and where they lived. They looked at me really funny and thought I was probably a crazy person who was trying to stalk them! I then explained we were house hunting and we were trying to decide if we wanted to live out this far south. They laughed and said it was a great place to live and they would highly recommend moving out there.  

I wanted to check the town out so we drove around and saw that Saratoga Springs had most everything we needed. There are many restaurants that we like, the boys were excited about the Denny’s there and Costa Vida. I also noticed they had many fast food restaurants to choose from and our bank and gym is also there. As far as shopping goes there is a Walmart, Maurice’s, a Ross and a few others places. The only downfall for my husband was the fact there was not a Home Depot in sight! I did look up the nearest one and it is only 20 minutes away. I told him “I think you will live.” We love to build things and plan on doing updates on the home we will be buying so it is pretty important to be close to a building supply store. I just had to poke a little fun.

It was actually our son’s 13th birthday, so we rushed home to have some frozen yogurt and to open presents. I felt bad we were house hunting on his birthday but he didn’t seem to mind. I think he might have felt a little hipped so I will make sure we go big on his next birthday. We had a great time on that cold January night and it was fun to dream about the house we would eventually make our home.

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